Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday (3/23/11)'s TPS Report : Sharkskin Grey Splitneck Dress

Bluefly has a number of great Tahari dresses on sale, including this lovely grey sheath dress. I like the splitneck, the belt, and the cap sleeves -- it's your basic perfect-for-3-seasons dress. Was $148, now on sale for $104 (limited sizes only, alas). Tahari ASL sharkskin grey split neck belted sheath dress


  1. Very pretty dress. Good luck with all the tech troubles. It's really frustrating as a reader--can't imagine how frustrated you must be!

  2. Good luck with the tech troubles Kat!

    I'm not a huge fan of the armpit hole in this dress, but on the right person (Michelle Obama), this would be lovely.

  3. has anyone seen this in person? It looks almost brown in the picture.

    Good luck with the tech troubles, Kat.

  4. I have this dress and the grey is actually a little lighter in person! It is extremely flattering though -- one of my favorite work outfits!!

  5. thanks you guys -- at this point i am waving my credit card around offering to pay whatever it takes to get the site up and running. yes, i've reached that point. still have MOST of my hair... ;)

  6. Good luck! Nice dress, can totally see myself wearing something like this to work on a regular basis.

  7. Good luck.. excited for the site to be back. Especially if you can get rid of those pesky 403 errors.

  8. I have this dress, and I love it! One of my wardrobe staples. Unless this is a different version, mine is a lighter gray than shows up in the picture. I'm a pear with 1-2 size difference on bottom, so I sized up and got the top tailored. Well worth it!

  9. According to the twitter feed, there's a new post on the regular site, which I can't see at work due to 403 errors. gaah
